Email and SMS Marketing

Given that Email and SMS marketing services and promotional Email / SMS services are cost-effective and result-oriented, the bulk Email / SMS services in US are on a rise.

Email and SMS marketing is a type of online marketing which is also called web marketing and it includes sending some official and formal messages to Patients, their families, care givers, associated HCPs, Hospitals etc. in order to make them aware of appointments, various reminders, coupons, Federal and State scheme available at your clinic/ Hospital, feedback, votes, challenges etc.

CORE OBJECTIVE uses 100% HIPAA compliant Email and SMS marketing platforms which enables you to share intended information in a number of ways.

It is also a type of advertising, promotion but it includes sending messages which contain all the information instead of displaying it on websites or search engine result pages.

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    It is mainly sent to some group of people which includes all the existing patients /customers and also to it may also include prospective patients who may be looking for services that you provide.

    CORE OBJECTIVE offers you the best way to engage your active and passive patients and turn them into your loyal customers. Success comes from brand loyalty. And this can be simply done with Email marketing.

    With our Email Marketing services, your email will look great on any device that your customers use – laptop, smartphone or tablet. Keep your patients hooked with elegant, modern emails with our email marketing services.

    SMS is a highly effective marketing tool as SMSs are likely to be opened and viewed within 5 minutes from delivery.

    This makes our SMS marketing services one of the best ways to connect to your audience and provide them with offers, reminders, coupons, and contests.

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